Five winning Startups walking away with a seed capital of 5Million Rwfrs each from 250STARTUPS
For today’s event 250STARTUPS Launched 5th Demo day for 10 startups to showcasing what they have been working on in Technology innovation by improving digital transformations.
In the event held in Kigali Convention Center today on 11 February 2022, five winning Startups walking away with a seed capital of 5Million Rwfrs each from 250STARTUPS.
By expressing the purpose of their activities with Young innovators in technology, General Manager of 250STARTUPS, said that is for putting the ideas into action and to explore existing opportunities to penetrate into the markets.
“It’s one thing to have a billion ideas but it’s another thing to go out there and put ideas into action.
You have to look at how you should use the opportunities to penetrate into the market.” Said Charles Shyaka General Manager of 250STARTUPS.

As the partner of this project between 250STARTUPS with Rwanda ICT chamber, CEO Alex Ntare expressed their contributions to start-up companies.
“The vision of our country is to build a private sector-led economy, and to do that, we need strong private companies. With the COVID-19 outbreak, we’ve seen that every business needs to be a digital business.” Said Alex Ntare CEO Rwanda ICT Chamber.

The five winning Startup Companies are: PayingTone by Regalo Trust, Icreap Ltd Rwanda, Lampshades ,Switch Green Africa, schoolnestEdu, PharmaAfia by Afia Group Ltd.

Photos: 250STARTUPS